Ayurvedic remedies for knee joint pain

Ayurvedic Remedies to get rid of Knee Joint Pain

  • Dr. Rajnish Kaushal
  • 8/24/2023
  • 02 Mins read
  • Health

Ayurvedic remedies have long been used to alleviate joint pain, so if you’re looking for a natural, non-invasive way to evict your joint pain from your life, you may want to consider these alternative treatments.

Taking an ayurvedic approach to your joint pain can be potentially effective, but it is recommended that you seek the advice and guidance of a qualified healthcare professional before beginning any new course of treatment.


Turmeric is probably one of the most famous ayurvedic remedies for joint pain and is known for its strong anti-inflammatory properties. To take advantage of this, try adding turmeric as a spice to your meals, or brew a turmeric tea. Another great option is to find a quality turmeric supplement.

Boswellia (शल्लकी)

The herb Boswellia (शल्लकी) is also said to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is often used as a natural remedy for arthritis and joint pain. This herb can be taken as a supplement in tablet or capsule form or, depending on your preference, brewed into a tea.


Ginger is well known for its medicinal values to treat a range of issues and is considered a good remedy for pain relief. Try using fresh ginger root in your cooking or brew a cup of ginger tea.

Coconut Oil

If you’re looking for a topical treatment to apply directly to the site, consider using a topical preparation that incorporates Coconut oil, which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.


One of the main goals of ayurvedic medicine is to restore balance in the body, and to do this, an important component is a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, fiber-rich whole grains, and lean proteins. Eating a balanced diet can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body, which can in turn help to alleviate joint pain.

“Finally, don’t forget to focus on lifestyle changes. Exercise is great for increasing joint mobility and muscle strength. Regular physical activity also helps to reduce stress levels, which can be beneficial for reducing inflammation that may contribute to joint pain.”